Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome and thank you for visiting....

I have finally decided to stop the excuses and set up my own Etsy store. I had been contemplating doing this for way too long! However, I believe things happen when it's time for them to happen and I am excited to finally be sharing with others some of the fantastic discoveries I've made at estate sales, antique stores, thrift stores, garage sales, craigslist and auctions. I hope to win you over as a customer with the quality items in my store and have you become a friend over time.

You may be asking--Why have you decided to set up an Etsy store? And the answer is simple, I have been a lifelong admirer of antique and vintage objects. I was one of those kids who would watch Antiques Roadshow instead of cartoons. I appreciate and enjoy objects from times past because I truly believe there used to be a greater focus placed on quality and good design when creating things back then. I hope you like the items in my store as much as I do. 

Finally, As you can tell this is my first post so I ask that you please bear with me. I hope that by actively updating this blog I will also become a better writer along the way. Anyway, I am looking forward to sharing part of my life with the world.

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